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Because, your phone is either locked, broken or something wrong with its IMEI (to check put in code *#06#) or you just don't have any credit.

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Q: Why does your phone stop sending text messages and calls?
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I'm not sure what you mean by that. Do you mean theer sending you a text message if so try sending Stop to the number that should stop them sending messages to you.

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just tell everyone on your contacts too stop sending you group messages if you want to...

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There is no way to stop howrse from sending you messages. You could Email the admins, but I doubt they'd stop the whole thing because one person complained. Hmmmm, maybe they'd add an option that you can say if you want them to send you messages or not.

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There aren't any for sure ways to get these types of calls to stop. You can always reply to them and tell them to stop. There are a few apps that you can use to track where certain phone numbers are, but this program is mainly used for tracking your children.

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You can stop someone by sending message only by blocking that person from your Facebook. Messages will only be stopped when you block the person who is stalking.

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Because even if you are sending clean messages it still could be considered to her harassment.

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i was given this number by telstra 1300785025

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Pick up the phone next time he calls and tell him to stop calling you..and ask him if he isn't the who wanted to end the relationship? Ignore him.

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I had the same problem in Portugal and I called my mobile operator, they provided me with a telephone number (808 780 202). I called and cancelled the unwanted "subscription"...

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You can delete the person as your friend. They can not post messages on your Pin Board if they are not your friend on Moshi Monsters.

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Go talk to "your girl" face to face and ask her why are you avoiding my calls and text messages or tell her what the hell u did wrong.

How do you get your older brother to stop listening in on your phone calls?

the way to get your older brother to stop listening to your phone calls is............. walk away from him or tell him to leave you alone!! hope it helps :)