just tell everyone on your contacts too stop sending you group messages if you want to...
sending and receiving messages
Sending and Receiving Messages
a specific audience or cultural group.
I'm not sure what you mean by that. Do you mean theer sending you a text message if so try sending Stop to the number that should stop them sending messages to you.
Yes, a fax is capable of sending and receiving messages from another fax machine.
sending and receiving messages
sending and receiving messages
sending and receiving messages
Probably there is a blocking tool in your mobile, Go to Organization and look for it over there. Select allow multimidia input, and choose "no"
Sending and Receiving Messages
The most logical address used for receiving messages is email. In the past this most logical address would have been a mailing address.
Most phones now days either stop receiving messages when full or will delete messages automatically so as to not run out of memory. Functions, features and limits on phones vary according to manufacture.
no. they do not.