It doesn't mean that. A woman who can be pregnant can be pregnant. A woman can have withdrawal bleeding for unrelated reasons. It's almost like asking why having blue eyes means you can still have brown hair.
not technically, but she can still experience vaginal bleeding
Some women have bleeding while pregnant that they think is their period, but bleeding while pregnant is NOT normal and should be evaluated by an OBYN!
Yes, not all women have implantation bleeding.
She may have had a miscarriage
AnsweryesImplantation bleeding is rare 1 in 3 women get it.Pink princess Hope I help
Absolutely!! There doesn't have to be spotting at implantation for you to be pregnant. Answer Yes Implantation bleeding is rare every girl is different 1 in 3 women get Implantation bleeding if you don't you can still be pregnant Hope I help Good luck! From Pink Princess
No, implantation bleeding is not a necessary symptom of pregnancy. Some women may experience light spotting or bleeding when the embryo implants in the uterus, but many women do not have any implantation bleeding and can still be pregnant. Pregnancy is typically confirmed through a positive pregnancy test.
Women do not menstruate while pregnant. If you are certain you are pregnant, and begin bleeding, you should see a doctor immediately.
If a woman has a period, it is unlikely that she is pregnant; however, birth control is not 100% effective. The bleeding you have while on birth control is not actually a period; it is withdrawal bleeding, a reaction to lower hormones in the days you use a placebo pill. If you're having a typical withdrawal bleed, chances are low that you are pregnant. If you're pregnant, you will not have a normal withdrawal bleed. However you may experience brown vaginal bleeding or no bleeding at all. Even without the birth control pill, some pregnant women have bleeding (similar, but not equal, to a period) in the first month. This spotting is common, and doesn't mean that something is wrong with the pregnancy. But if you're having bleeding or spotting with a positive pregnancy test, contact your health care provider today. If you're having pain, bleeding, and a positive pregnancy test, go to the emergency room. Pregnancy with bleeding while on birth control is possible. First, birth control pills are not 100% effective and it is possible to become pregnant while on them. Second, bleeding during pregnancy is possible, but usually signals a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.
depends on how much you are bleeding. if you are wondering and unsure, and can't take a simple pregnancy test, a sure way to tell is if your boobs are tender. when your boobs are tender and you are spotting, but not really bleeding, then you are probably pregnant. If you are bleeding every day (especially if you are not pregnant), you might want to contact your doctor.
Yes its possible. Most women do not experience implantation bleeding
Yes. Many women never see any implantation bleeding. This is perfectly normal.