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You need to go and speak to your doctor about it

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9mo ago

Extended periods lasting for a month or more could be due to hormonal imbalances, uterine fibroids, polyps, or underlying health conditions like endometriosis or adenomyosis. It's important to see a healthcare provider to determine the cause and appropriate treatment.

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Q: Why does periods last for a month or more?
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When do you ovulate if you experience two periods in a month?

If you experience two periods in a month, you may ovulate twice, typically around 14 days before each period.

You had your period at the beginning of the month and at the end of the same month is that possible or not 2 have 2 periods a month?

It is possible to have two periods in a month, although it is not typical. A menstrual cycle can vary in length, causing some individuals to have two periods within a month. If this occurs frequently or is accompanied by other symptoms, it's best to consult a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying health issues.

Why do girls get periods twice in a month?

Having two periods in one month could be a sign of hormonal imbalance, stress, changes in weight, or a medical condition such as polycystic ovary syndrome or uterine fibroids. It's important for the individual to see a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation and diagnosis.

How did periods occur?

Periods occur as the lining of the uterus sheds in response to hormonal changes in the body. Each month, if an egg is not fertilized, the lining is no longer needed and is expelled through the vagina, resulting in menstruation. This cycle of shedding and renewing the lining of the uterus is what causes periods to occur.

Why do period happens twice in one month?

Having two periods in one month could be due to hormonal imbalances, stress, changes in weight, or certain medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or thyroid disorders. If this occurs frequently, it's important to consult a healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and discuss appropriate treatment options.

Related questions

You have had your periods twice this month after having a miscarriage last month?


Why have you had two periods in one month straight after one another your periods are normally 30 days?

First of all periods last 5-7 days not do not have two periods in one month STUPID!!

How many periods do you normally get a day?

Periods occur each month not each day Periods last a minimum of 5 days and can range to 7 days.

You had your periods last on the 16th of December When is my due date this month?

Probably like a month later, which is January 16, around there.

How long do fashion styles last?

Short Periods of time like about a month or two.

You had two periods last month and missed your period this month?

If you're in the first 1-2 years of your period, it's normal. If not, call a doctor.

What does it mean to have your period start on the last day of the month?

It doesn't mean anything, it just means that your period happened to start on the last day of the month. When your periods start have nothing to do with the calendar date.

You didn't get your periods last month is it normaland what to do to get periods this month?

usually if you are craving some specific food. eat it!. you may get your period. whenever I'm close to my period i want to eat chocolate. whenever my mom is..... she drinks coffee

Can women get their periods twice in a month?

A woman can get her period twice a month if she has irregular periods.

How often can periods occur?

If it's more then once a month you should see a doctor.

You had your period twice this month could you not have one next month?

You will probably have one next month. It sounds like you are having irregular periods. Going on the birth-control pill can often help sort this out and make your periods more regualr.

Why should you have two periods in a month?

It isn't that abnormal to have two periods in a month. However, sometimes it can occur, if you have a short cycle and your period starts at the beginning of the month. This would make it possible to have two periods in one month.