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Girls have their own type in boys some want bad boys ,good boys , smart boys ugly boys , cute boys.

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Q: Why does girls like in guys?
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Guys and girls are both NOT simple trust me!

Do girls like smart guys if their not bad looking?

If they're nice guys. And girls can like guys even if he's ugly. :)

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There are men that aren't like that. There are guys out there that like girls that are different.

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Depends on the guy on what he likes in girls. Of course there are guys out there that like Southern girls, so no worries.

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Errm... Guys like girls. They like looking at them a lot. Not all guys do that though.

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Yes. They do! Girls like guys that can hold them, give them piggy backs.. ect.

Do guys like girls who act like a guy?

Every guy is different. But most guys i know don't like girls who act like guys. Only some people do: but they usually like girls who act like themselves.

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Girls only like guys who have hair like the singer of Nickleback. Trust me, you be gettin' the ladies...

Do guys like girls that act dumb?

it all depends on the guy. I don't like girls like that but most guys that act dumb like girls that act dumb

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Yes guys do like girls with ADHD because they will be more active than other girls and you might get a surprise