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When you submit a comment YouTube checks various aspects of it to ensure that it is not spam such as if you have a link or certain keywords. Also, the video owner can block you from adding comments on their videos.

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Q: Why does YouTube block the comments?
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Why if i block someone on youtube they can still see my channel and reply to my commets?

If you properly block a Youtube user, they will not be able to see your channel or reply to your comments.

How do I completely block all comments on my videos on Youtube?

Go to video manager. Click the video that u want the comments to be blocked on. Scroll down and click the disable comments. Tada

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Because people in general are ignorant. Its human nature. You cant control other people but if they start to aggrivate you just block the comments.

Is it possible to block people from being able to reply to your comments on YouTube?

If the comments are just excessively rude, you cannot do anything about it, as it is freedom of speech. If the comments are spam, just click on the arrow next to the Reply button and mark it as spam. If the comments are hateful, use the Help and Safety tool.

When you share a YouTube video on Facebook and get comments on Facebook can the comments be viewed on YouTube?

No, it will not be viewed on YouTube. It will only remain on Facebook.

Why do i have to answer a CAPTCHA to post YouTube comments?

I suppose it's something YouTube / Google inserted in order to avoid spam comments :)

How do you block friends and ccomments on MySpace?

to block friends you go to their profile and click "block" under their picture. you can only block comments if the friend is blocked, but you can hide comments

How many comments do you have to have to get the refresh button on youtube?

YouTube refreshes comments at a rate of 100 per day. In order to get the refresh button, you'll need to accumulate 1000+ comments. If you have 10k comments, you'll get a refresh button for 50 comments per day.

Why do your comments still appear on others' YouTube channels if you deleted your YouTube account?

When you delete your YouTube account, it just deletes your channel (and videos, if you have any).Comments do not disappear from videos and Channels.

Can you block Twitcam comments appearing on your Twitter timeline?

There is no way of blocking Twitcam comments that appear on your Twitter timeline. The only way to stop Twitcam comments would be to unfollow or block the person tweeting the comments.

Are the spam comments on YouTube real?

Er... No.

Is YouTube inappropreate?

YouTube itself is not inappropriate, though many videos and comments on the site are.