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After consuming alcohol, there is a lot of fluid in the body, so therefore people who drink a lot will sweat a lot. It's how the body gets rid of the alcohol.

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Q: Why does Alcohol make you sweat at night?
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Related questions

Does everybody sweat out alcohol?

Very little alcohol is excreted as sweat.

Can you sweat alchol out your system?

Yes. You excrete water both through sweat and urination, as alcohol is a diuretic. Dehydration is a major component of hangovers. There is not enough liquid in drinks -- even beer -- to make up for the effects of the alcohol.

Why do you sweat at night when you start giving drink up?

This is a symptom of withdrawal. Your body is addicted to alcohol, and when you first quit using it, you can expect all kinds of reactions, of which night sweats are one of the milder episodes.

How long does alcohol stay in your sweat?

No. Alcohol is metabolized by the liver.

How someone has alcohol breath when no alcohol consumed?

this could be caused by possibly drinking the night before and it still being on your breath or in some cases diabetics can have a alcohol like smeel to their sweat or breath when they are experiencing problems with their blood sugar being extremely high!!

How long alcohol stay in your sweat?

four days

Does alcohol makes you do crazy stuff?

No, alcohol can't increase your ability to see at night.

Whats the process by which the alcohol leaves the body?

Sweat and urine.

Is it possible that after consuming alcohol at night it would still be evident on the breath the next morning?

Not just on the breath, but also in sweat and other bodily fluids. "Stinking drunk" is not just an expression.

Why do you smell alcohol when you cry?

When you cry, your body may release stress hormones and stimulate the production of sweat, which can sometimes carry the scent of the alcohol ingested or metabolized in the body. The smell of alcohol when crying may also be due to alcohol being excreted through sweat glands.

What part of the day do you sweat the most?


Is alcohol also excrited through sweat when one is drunk?
