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this could be caused by possibly drinking the night before and it still being on your breath or in some cases diabetics can have a alcohol like smeel to their sweat or breath when they are experiencing problems with their blood sugar being extremely high!!

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Q: How someone has alcohol breath when no alcohol consumed?
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Is it a law that you have to have a designated driver who has not consumed any alcohol driving someone who has consumed alcohol from a public facility?

There is no such law.

Can someone give consent if they have consumed alcohol?

yes, as long as they are competent

If someone has a tolerance for alcohol will rubbing alcohol make them die?

Rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) is toxic when ingested and can potentially be fatal in large quantities, even for someone with a tolerance to alcohol. It should never be consumed as a recreational beverage due to the serious health risks it poses.

What kind of alcohol is typically consumed as drinking alcohol?

The type of alcohol typically consumed as drinking alcohol is ethanol, which is found in beverages such as beer, wine, and spirits.

Where could someone purchase an alcohol testing machine?

An alcohol testing machine is also known as a Breath Anaylser. These can be purshased online, from many various branchs, such as Amazon, UK Breath Anaylsers, Lextox and Lifeloc.

Does the alcohol breath tester work?

"Yes alcohol breath testers work. You breath into a breath tester and it reads the alcohol content of your breath. Cops can pull over people and test them to see if they are drunk, and can arrest you if you are."

Is the blood alchol level the same as breath alcohol level?

No, blood alcohol level and breath alcohol level are not the same. Blood alcohol level is a direct measurement of the amount of alcohol in the blood, while breath alcohol level is an indirect measurement based on the amount of alcohol in the breath, which is correlated with blood alcohol level.

Breath alcohol level?

Breath alcohol level refers to the amount of alcohol vapor in the breath. Alcohol is excreted into the lungs from the blood in a fixed proportion to the amount in the blood. Therefore, measuring breath alcohol gives an indirect, but accurate, measurement of the amount of alcohol in the blood, and the degree of impairment to brain function.

Where is the most alcohol consumed?

At home.

What affects the amount of alcohol in a persons blood?

Physical size, gender, amount of alcohol consumed, time period over which alcohol is consumed, contents of stomach, etc.

How do you get alcohol out of breath?

The odor of an alcoholic beverage on the breath will dissipate with time. It's also possible to cover the odor with breath mints, mouthwash, etc. However, doing so will not prevent the detection of the alcohol in an alcohol breath test.

Can you blow a 0.01 on a breath alcohol test without drinking alcohol?

Yes. There are many sources of error in alcohol breath testing machines.