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You need sodium in your diet because it helps maintain the balance of body fluids and it helps transmit nerve impulses. Hope this is a good enough answer! ~ a 7th grader -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sodium is used along with potassium to move electrical impulses along nerve fibers, also you can find salt in sweat and well, pee, so sodium needs to be replaced often. ~ a 6th grader @ IMS

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Q: Why do you need sodium in your diet?
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What you need for a diet?

no becaus sodium does not help

Why need salt in your diet?

Because it contains sodium.

How much sodium can a 13 year old boy have per day?

2400mg of sodium is needed for a 2000 calorie diet. If your calorie diet is higher, you may need more sodium.

What kinds of foods does a low sodium diet consist of? This website will provide you with all the information you need to know when considering a sodium diet. It has information on recipes, why this is a healthy diet and ways to succeed.

Do people consume more sodium than they need?

In the Western diet most do. We need about 2 grams of sodium daily and most Westerners consume closer to 10 grams.

What is the sodium content in diet rite cola?

There should be no sodium in diet rite cola

what does low sodium diets mean ?

Low sodium diets can be confusing. A low sodium diet means eating more foods that have low sodium contents instead of high ones. The nutriesystem diet is a low sodium diet.

Can you have salt on the 4 day diet?

Very small amounts of sodium (contained in foods, naturally) is sufficient. There is no need for added salt in any diet.

Why do you need sodium chloride in your diet?

salt is an important part of the diet, sodium is considered an electrolyte and salt also helps protect the body from dehydration by making the body hold on to more water then it would without the salt.

Most sodium in the diet comes from?

Diet Soda

Is the DASH diet and the vegan diet the same?

It can be. You can have a low sodium vegan diet.

What are the high sodium foods one should stay away from on a low sodium diet?

I know its not a "food" but diet soda can be high in sodium -- especially if your drinking alot of it!