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it depends who you are and what you do, silly.. if you smoke stogies and then a week later youre smelling it then you probably are wearing something you had on while you (or someone you were kickin it with) were smoking. or maybe you havent showered since then, and its in your hair. if youre a girl and you curl/straighten/blow dry your hair then the smell will reeeek like the heat is straight up raping your lowkey smelly hair and the stale cigarette aroma will undeniably make its presence known and you straight up busted

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Q: Why do you keep smelling stale cigarette smoke. This has been going on for about a week...I smell it all the time.?
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Less Smoke Smell. LLS cigarette papers have vanilla in them to improve the smoke smell.

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Cigarette smoke "stays with you"; if you smoke or hang around someone who does, the smell of the smoke will stay on your clothes & in your hair.

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No. A smell is just a smell. It will only be in your system of you inhale the smoke or vapor or if you eat it.

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The smell of cigarette smoke will always overpower the smell of marijuana smoke. Or you could just chew gum or eat breath mints.

Why does cigarette smoke sometimes smell like pot?

They don't only to people who don't smoke they have both a very distinct and different smell. You could be smelling a blunt, a type of joint rolled using cigar leaves. Some marijuana users will buy cigars and throw out most of the tobacco and put marijuana inside.

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The smell of cigarette smoke can linger in the air for a long time. The smell can get into the carpet and the walls, and become a permanent scent in a home.

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Try using some kind of smelling sticks or a perfume.