Less Smoke Smell. LLS cigarette papers have vanilla in them to improve the smoke smell.
no it dont, it may turn it yellow but you will not have the smell of smoke
The smell of cigarette smoke will always overpower the smell of marijuana smoke. Or you could just chew gum or eat breath mints.
The smell of cigarette smoke can linger in the air for a long time. The smell can get into the carpet and the walls, and become a permanent scent in a home.
People smell like smoke because the smoke contains chemicals and cigarette residuals that cling to hair, skin, & clothing.
One can get rid of cigarette smoke smell with White Vinegar which destroys it on a molecular level unlike other products which just cover the smoke up.
Again, of course not. This will probably be disputed by the ones who have demonized cigarette smoking beyond what are the legitimate risks.
Yes, But it would take alot of smell to do so. About and smoke can be smelled it place that you smoke.