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You get that feeling in your stomach, known as 'butterflies' (and also 'knots') because you are feeling nervous, anxious or fearful. It could happen before a test, before asking a girl out or when you are getting in trouble with your parents. It happens to everyone, so don't feel bad about it. Figure out ways to relax using breathing exercises or meditation techniques.

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16y ago
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11mo ago

The sensation of "butterflies" in your stomach is caused by a rush of adrenaline and blood flow to your stomach when you're nervous or excited. This can lead to a mix of positive and negative emotions that manifest physically in your stomach as a fluttering sensation.

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15y ago

because you have a crush on someone that you think very special to you.The will off when you get older.But if it does not get off,then maybe you really meant for he/she.You will always felt nervous and you cannot let your eyes off from he/she.If you want to get close with them just be yourself and be nice to them.Good luck!

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15y ago

I started to be filled with such excitement that I had the sudden sensation of the fluttering of butterflies in the depths of my stomach.

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Do butterflies in your stomach have anything to do with your stomach?

It does have to do with the feeling you get in your stomach when you get nervous, excited or you when you are in love. it really has nothing to do with butterflies.

What are the butterflies feeling in your stomach trying to tell you?

The butterflies in your stomach are a physical reaction to nervousness or excitement. They are trying to tell you that you are feeling anxious or excited about something.

Why do you keep feeling butterflies in your stomach and your stomach tightens?

It's usually nervous tension.

Why is the nervous feeling you get called the butterflies?

It is a phrase used when you are nervous because the fluttery feeling in your stomach is said to feel like butterflies. so if i say a sentence that i`m nervous so instead of that we can say there r butterflies in my stomach.

What does 'Butterflies in the Stomach' mean?

Having "butterflies in your stomach" means to be overwhelmed by a nervous feeling. It comes from the uneasy feeling one gets in their stomach.It means you're nervous about something. Like you could be nervous about going on stage and doing a dance performance so you'd have butterflies in your stomach. It refers to the queasy or jittery feeling created in your stomach when you are under stress.

Where did the phrase butterflies in your stomach come from?

The phrase, butterflies in your stomach comes from the Oxford English Dictionary in 1908. The phrase means having a jittery feeling in the stomach due to anxiety or excitement.

What is that funny feeling in stomach when you like someone?

you probably either have butterflys in your stomach or your not feeling well.

Is you have butterflies in your stomach a metaphor?

Yes, "having butterflies in your stomach" is a metaphorical expression used to describe the feeling of nervousness or excitement in one's stomach before a significant event or encounter. It is not meant to be taken literally.

What does it mean 'you give me butterflies?

If someone says this to you, it's a nice compliment. Having the butterflies refers to the excited feeling one gets in their stomach. This particular phrase means that the thought of you makes someone so excited that they have that fun nervous exciting feeling in their stomach. Enjoy!

How does one know if he or she is in love?

He or she will know by the feeling in the pit of their stomach, they will get butterflies in their stomach. They will also know they are in love by the way the other person makes them feel.

Words for a feeling of stress?

anxietytensionnervousnesspressurehave butterflies in ones stomach

When I think about my crush ill have butterflies in my stomach Will he have butterflies in his stomach?

He will if he likes you back