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It is a phrase used when you are nervous because the fluttery feeling in your stomach is said to feel like butterflies.

so if i say a sentence that i`m nervous so instead of that we can say there r butterflies in my stomach.

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Q: Why is the nervous feeling you get called the butterflies?
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Do butterflies in your stomach have anything to do with your stomach?

It does have to do with the feeling you get in your stomach when you get nervous, excited or you when you are in love. it really has nothing to do with butterflies.

What does 'Butterflies in the Stomach' mean?

Having "butterflies in your stomach" means to be overwhelmed by a nervous feeling. It comes from the uneasy feeling one gets in their stomach.It means you're nervous about something. Like you could be nervous about going on stage and doing a dance performance so you'd have butterflies in your stomach. It refers to the queasy or jittery feeling created in your stomach when you are under stress.

What does is mean when you get butterflies in your belly when 36 weeks pregnant?

You should stop eating butterflies? ;) It means because you are approaching the time of delivering your baby, you feel nervous. That nervous feeling manifests itself as an uncomfortable feeling in your belly that feels as if butterflies are flying around inside your belly.

Why do you keep feeling butterflies in your stomach and your stomach tightens?

It's usually nervous tension.

How would you describe the sensation of feeling nervous?

Feeling nervous is like a mix of butterflies in your stomach, a racing heart, and a sense of unease or worry. It can make you feel on edge or jittery, and may cause you to have trouble focusing or relaxing.

What does it mean 'you give me butterflies?

If someone says this to you, it's a nice compliment. Having the butterflies refers to the excited feeling one gets in their stomach. This particular phrase means that the thought of you makes someone so excited that they have that fun nervous exciting feeling in their stomach. Enjoy!

Can you feel sick if your nervous does it also affect my appetite?

Yes, you can feel sick if you're nervous. This is also known as anxiety and feels like you have butterflies in your stomach. If you're feeling nervous then it does affect your appetite as the thought of eating can make you feel worse.

What is that funny feeling in stomach when you like someone?

you probably either have butterflys in your stomach or your not feeling well.

What is a metaphor for nervousness?

I was as nervous as a timid fawn taking its first steps away from the comforting warmth of my mother's side into the unknown world.

What does it mean when there are lots of butterflies around?

When there are lots of butterflies around, it typically means that the environment is healthy and conducive to supporting a diverse population of pollinators. It can also indicate that there is an abundance of food sources, such as nectar-producing plants, in the area. Butterflies are important pollinators and play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem biodiversity.

What does it mean by having butterflies on the earth?

Having "butterflies on the earth" is an expression used to describe feeling nervous, excited, or anxious about something. It suggests a sense of anticipation or unease, typically associated with a significant event or situation.

Why do you get butterflies when approaching a boy?

You are shy, nervous or apprehensive.