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You have discharge throughout your entire menstrual cycle because this is how the vagina stays clean, healthy, and lubricated.

Discharge flushes out bacteria, dirt, and dead cells from the vagina, it also has an acidic pH which helps kill harmful bacteria while allowing healthy bacteria to thrive. The vaginal walls are made of mucosa which is like skin but without the top protective layer, the same tissue also makes up inside of the mouth or eyes, this tissue has to be kept moist by discharge to protect from damage or infection. Extra discharge is also produced when aroused so that if you have sex the vagina is lubricated to prevent any damage or pain during intercourse.

Discharge changes throughout your menstrual cycle, for example around 2-3 weeks before menstruation you produce fertile quality cervical mucus which is a clear stretchy mucus consistency like egg-whites, this is what helps sperm survive in the vagina and swim up through the cervix to go on to meet the egg during ovulation. After ovulation, around 2 weeks before menstruation, the discharge becomes a lot thicker and this can be an indication of when your period is due.

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Q: Why do you discharge a week before your period?
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What does it means when you discharge and blood comes down at the same time one week before your period?

If you're bleeding that likely is your period, maybe spotting if it is light. You always have discharge, including during menstruation, and you will bleed on your period.

Why would you spot a week and a half before your period is due?

You would experience discharge, a whitish-yellow liquid.

Why get white discharge 1 week after missed period?

That normal that discharge your period could be late because your irregular, stress, diet and age which can cause it to not come.

If you have brown discharge every time a week before your period and this time you period is late with tingling niples breast so sore you don't want to touc them but still have cramps could you be pre?

If you are still having a period, you are not pregnant.

Signs about your period?

About a month-2months before you get your period you will start to get discharge which is a yellowy substance with a gooey and thick texture... How do I know if it's discharge or not?

Is it possible to ovulate 2 days before your period then have a period for a week then implantation bleeding for a week and then have a lot of white watery discharge right before your period?

It is unlikely to ovulate 2 days before your period as ovulation typically occurs around the middle of your cycle. If implantation bleeding occurs, it usually happens 10-14 days after ovulation, not right before your period. White watery discharge can be normal throughout your menstrual cycle, but an increase in discharge could also be a sign of infection or hormonal changes. If you have concerns about your menstrual cycle or symptoms, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider.

Do you get less discharge before starting your period?

No. You usually get more.

Do you get discharge do you get before your first period?

you can have discharge before or after your period, sometimes you have both. before it is preparing to shed the walls of your vagina, after it is just cleaning the system after all the layers are shed. you can have discharge before or after your period, sometimes you have both. before it is preparing to shed the walls of your vagina, after it is just cleaning the system after all the layers are shed. you can have discharge before or after your period, sometimes you have both. before it is preparing to shed the walls of your vagina, after it is just cleaning the system after all the layers are shed.

Is it normal to have watery cervical mucus 4 days after ovulation?

yes, because the same thing always happens to me, its always right before my period comes, like a week before i get somewhat thick discharge

What ages does discharge start?

Around puberty, before a girl gets her period.

Why do women get discharge before their period?

to prepare for the egg to come down

Can you be pregnant if you miss your period and your test is negative and youwere on your period and had sex?

You can get pregnant a week before your period, the week of your period, and the week after your period, and some pregnancy tests are faulty.