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Because you need iron

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Q: Why do you crave tomatoes before your period?
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If you have weird cravings does that mean you are going to get your first period?

no. i used to crave the weirdest things months before i had my first period. girls are weird its just who we are

What do girls crave when they are on their period?

Ha! Ha! Though not a girl the answer seems simple. The girls would crave for the bleeding part of their period to end. Now remember that there are other phases of their period, a key one being ovulation.

Missed period you are occasionally naucious an crave sleep?

you're pregnant.

Do you gain weight during your period?

well if your the kind of person to crave food during your period then yes

Why do you crave food before your period?

u crav3 cuz u b so hongry lil erthang n site luk gud 2 u. ii alwayz crave fuud on mii p3riod. hop3 dis h3lp ur problm

Is eating a lot a sign that you are about to start your period?

Yes. I crave salt and sugar.

When you are on your period is it common to have cravings?

yes its perfectly normal i tend to crave sweet and salty

What happens when your on your period?

when you are on your period , you simply bleed out through your vigina. it will happen on some weeks and you will crave chocolate,salt,or peanut butter

Why do you crave tomato juice?

When you crave something its usually because your body is lacking something and Maybe It could be vitamin C which tomatoes are rich in. Have a look at your diet and see if you are getting 5 or more portions a day of fruits and vegetables. Go with the craving anyway; tomatoes in any shape or form are low in calories and full of good stuff like vitamins and lycopene. Hope this helps :)

What do cows crave?

That depends on a lot of things: her diet, physiological, psychological, sociological, reproductive needs. Examples:A cow in heat would crave a bull.A cow that has a diet that is poor in phosphorus will crave phosphorus by eating wood.A cow that has been separated from the herd will crave having company or her herd mates back.A cow that has been eating dry feed for a long period of time will crave water.A cow in a frightening situation will crave to get out of it as soon and as fast as possible.

Do women gain weight during their period?

no. but when you're on your period, most women crave chocolate and sweet things. so avoid the sweet things, then you wont gain weight on your period.

Does eating chocolate make you get your period?

No, eating chocolate doesn't make you get your period. When you get your period is determined by your menstrual cycle, a domino effect of hormonal changes between your reproductive organs and brain - chocolate cannot effect this, let alone make your cycle skip a phase or speed-up your cycle. Many women crave chocolate before or during menstruation because the body requires additional magnesium during menstruation, which chocolate contains so your body associates with magnesium to crave it, and can require extra energy so may crave carbs if you normally fuel your body with carbs.