It takes a lot of energy to grow a baby inside of you. You also have 50% more blood which the heart have to pump around.
It takes a lot of energy to make a new life grow inside of you.Because they need a lot of energy
For pregnant women to sleep better
Pregnant women should take as few chemicals as possible.
Yes, he did.
Yes. Just not a lot of it.
A pregnant woman should take adequate sleep. A nap after lunch is generally advised to her. She is advised to take minimum eight hours of sleep per day, normally.
When is the bAby due? They sill ask that Lot
yes it is
Pregnant woman should get good sleep. She should normally get 8 hours sleep in night. She should get 2 hours sleep in afternoon. This helps to conserve calories, apart of other advantages of the sleep.
no it means hes lazy or likes to sleep
not because they impregnate.
Stomach cramps and a lot of pain