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Blame it on pheromones. Even if you're not conscious of it, they're working.

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Q: Why do women have the same menstrual cycles in a household?
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Related questions

Do women periods start at the sametime when they live in the same household?

It has been shown that after some time, women who live in close proximity to each other begin to synchronize their menstrual cycles.

Can someone else being on the contraceptive pill affect your menstrual cycle?

No it shouldn't effect your menstrual cycle as you are not on any medication. However, it is possible for women who closely associate with each other or live together, for their cycles to arrive around the same time.

What is it called when a lot of girls living under one roof have their cycles at the same time?

Menstrual Synchrony

The average length of the menstrual cycle?

The typical menstrual cycle length is around 28 days long, but everyone is different. Menstrual cycles will not always be the same length, up to a weeks variation from your average cycle is normal.

Do women that work together get on the same menstrual cycle?

Yes, they often do.

You were late five days then got your period you are never late what can be happening?

You were five days later than you predicted - this prediction was based on your average menstrual cycle length, but menstrual cycles change and they will not be exactly the same throughout your entire life. Anything up to a weeks variation from your average menstrual cycle is normal, also things such as ill health or stress can delay your menstrual cycles too.

What does it mean when a two gay come on their menistral cycle at the same time?

Women who spend a lot of time together sometimes end up having their menstrual cycles in sync. It simply means that you two are spending a lot of (hopefully happy) time together.

Can hydroxycut max for women diet pill change your menstrual cycle?

I don't have an answer but I have the same question.

Why do your periods start earlier every month?

Menstrual cycles can vary in length due to fluctuations in hormone levels, stress, diet, exercise, or underlying health conditions. Changes in cycle length can cause periods to start earlier or later each month. If you are concerned about your menstrual cycle pattern, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation.

How long is the period from one new moon to the next?

29.5 days. There's a lot of mystical new-agey mumbo-jumbo about it being tied to women's menstrual cycles, but the problem with this theory is that if there were much to it, all women would be on the same cycle and they're not. It's vaguely possible that at one time the menstrual cycle was actually linked with the moon phase, though since there's no evolutionary benefit to it they're not any more.

Is there something you can buy to assist your dog during her menstrual cycle?

keep male dogs out of contact. and be sure to clean up any blood coming from the dog. make the dog more comfortable. women wants to be as comfortable as possible during their menstrual cycle. do the same for your dog.

Why girls period date differ from previous month?

When a girl menstruates isn't determined by the calendar date, it is determines by her menstrual cycle - how long it takes for her body to go through the various reproductive phases. A typical menstrual cycle is 28 days so during this cycle it would be normal to menstruate roughly the same time every month, but women's cycles can vary by up to 7 days from one to the next - also different women have different cycle lengths.