If boys and girls don't go through puberty there will be no babies. We would die out as a specie.
Everyone must go through Puberty to be able to reproduce. This is what life is about.
They start during puberty
Yes, hormones are what make a woman develop breasts during and after puberty.
You don't need sticky tape for puberty. Puberty is your body producing hormones so you can be a woman or a man. Tape has nothing to do with it.
Puberty prepares the woman's body for having and nursing children. Puberty also prepares the man's body for fertilizing the woman's egg so she can have a child.
No. For a woman your hips get wide during puberty.
10%. About 40,000 primary follicles remain at puberty, and about 400 mature over a women's lifetime.
People GET to go through puberty. It is very enjoyable and fun. It turns you into a man (if you're a boy) or a woman (If you're a girl).
The opposite of menopause is puberty. Menopause refers to the end of a woman's reproductive cycle, whereas puberty signifies the beginning of it.
Yes, any male that has been through puberty can get any woman that has been through puberty pregnant. Age has little to do with it unless the woman has reached menopause.
The long term effects of puberty are that boys turn into men who are capable of fathering children and girls turn into woman who are capable of bearing children.
They run around their town naked screaming "I am a Man!" or "I am a Woman!"