I believe it is because of the notion that marijuana is not harmful, and is easily accessible. If you are worried about your teen, just do some research and talk about it.
No. According to the related link below, only around 15 to 20 percent of teens smoke marijuana.
Approximately 13.3% of US high school students in 2019 reported using marijuana in the past month according to a survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
more teens smoke marijuana because now caught with under and ounce the don't go to jail the may pay a fine and/or take counseling.
A person decides to smoke marijuana when they are offered it, have an opportunity to buy and smoke it, or when they have an urge to smoke marijuana.
No, it is illegal, and it can damage your health, if not kill you.
Because a lot of teens are looking for what we call an "escape". For me i smoke marijuana because it make's me more social around other which has really come in handy, Hope this answer's your question.
no mike epps does not smoke marijuana in fact he doesnt smoke anything
According to surveys, marijuana is the most commonly used drug by teens.
Yes, he was a very peaceful man and smoked marijuana as a hobby and as a release. He was known to smoke marijuana with his high officials and friends.
== == Eminem used to do smoke in the past, like marijuana, but he doesn't smoke anymore. Not marijuana or cigarettes.
Young teens