Because they have a huge stomach sticking out in front of them and it looks absolutely hideous. They get stretch marks during and after pregnancy and parts of their body sag. To top it off, they then have a screaming, irritating, noisy child attached to them for 18 years and become boring. Children are for people who don't want to have fun in life. I would never be attracted to a pregnant woman/a woman with a child. That is why they are ugly.
He is not ugly if the woman is blind.
No. Once pregnant, a woman can't get pregnant-er.
No; a woman will not ovulate if she is pregnant.
There are many possible 'Ugly Woman' songs performed by many different artists. However, the artist Harry Belafonte is known for the song 'Get An Ugly Girl to Marry You.'
how can i make love with pregnant woman
A Beldam is a woman who is considered ugly or old
Yes. Pregnant woman can go tanning.
Exactly the same as a non-pregnant woman or a man.
A woman is pregnant for nine months.
Nothing. Men do not have symptoms when a woman is pregnant.
No reputable (read as: safe and won't give you a crooked, ugly piercing) piercer will perform a piercing on a pregnant woman, as your immune system is already weakened and any infection you get from the piercing could spread to the child, and if that happens they could be held liable to some extent.