I guess that the obvious answer would be that they like the taste. If you really didn't like the taste you wouldn't continue to do it. I suppose many boys taste there own cum purely out of curiosity, some may continue to do it either because they do like the taste or as part of a sexual fantasy. Boys who are gay might have oral sex with a partner and most people who receive oral sex will tell you that it feels better for them if they can cum in their partners mouth rather than finishing off by hand. Of course if a boy (or girl) allows someone to cum into their mouth they can always swallow it or spit it out, it is a personal choice.
Some people ingest semen during sexual intercourse.
no smart people drink semen.... it is uncommon just like smart people that's why all the sluts are smarter... but you can never tell cuz they are always too pre occupied with looking for more...
Not in the quantities most people drink it.
You don't. That's just wrong.
yes, and without concern.
To eat pubeidge and drink semen
yes it is testy and sexy
drink a lot of beer and take a few Viagra
drink a lot of milk...
Well, you could. But that's pretty gross!