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yes it is testy and sexy

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Q: Is it normal to drink your own semen?
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Can a guy drink his own semen?

yes, and without concern.

Can normal man get aids from own swallowing semen?

No you can not.

Is It Safe To drink What if your Own semen?

Yes it is safe. I do not advise doing that though. It is safe and you can do so if you wish. You cannot give yourself any infection from taking your own semen. Many males masturbate and swallow their own semen. Recent studies have found that consuming human semen reduces depression. You can find an article about that in the related links below.

what is problem of drinking semen causes any health problems for men there own semen?

Consuming your own semen will do you no harm.

What is the normal pus cell in semen?

0-5 pus cells are normal

Is it OK to drink male semen?


Do women drink semen?

Some people ingest semen during sexual intercourse.

What is the normal pH of a semen?

The normal pH of semen is typically between 7.2 and 8.0. This alkaline pH helps to protect sperm from the acidic environment of the vagina.

Is it normal for a 9 year old to have semen?

That is certainly a young age for producing semen.

Is it normal for a 44 year old man to have clear sperm?

You mean 'Semen', not sperm. Sperm are invisible and semen is the liquid that carries sperm cells out of the man's body. Yes, clear semen is normal. So is white, cloudy semen.

How much ejaculation is normal for a man?

Semen is released during ejaculation and the normal semen volume ranges from 2 to 5ml per ejaculate.

Is it normal to eat semen?

you can swallow the semen. yes, some people do it because it is a "turn on".