In 1932 an Irish women by the name of Angie Finkus Caught her husband John cheating on her when she went to the bathroom and saw him with her sister having sex. In despite of them both she told everyone to call the rest room the John being the place of waist and stink. It caught on and now everywhere in America and around the world there is still someone who calls the bathroom "The John"
Some call a line of people a "queue" (pron. kyew). Others just call it a line.
Who are the people that call psychologists?Patients.Who are the people called psychologists?They treat mental illness.
== People used to rest and read the newspaper in a room. they did not want to get up and use the bathroom while they were resting so they added it to the restroom! ==It actually comes from the Days before labor laws . people would work 18 hr days with no breaks . going to the bathroom was there only form of rest .
Some people would call it an "enigma" or a "conundrum."
This is a hippie term from hidin in the bathroom to smoke weed.
People in England call the bathroom the loo. I have no idea why.
Yes they did.
We call it the bathroom faucet.
John or Jon means bathroom
He was ' Jack" to the people who knew him.
What will you do if a child met accident in the bathroom
A bathroom is called a bathroom in Ireland. What is meant when you say "Bathroom" in Ireland is a room that has a bath. In some countries, it can mean a room that does not have a bath, but does have a toilet. Some countries are a bit uncomfortable about using the word toilet and so they use the word bathroom even when it does not have a bath in it. There is no problem about using the word toilet in Ireland, so a room without a bath, but with a toilet in Ireland is called a toilet. In Ireland, calling a room a bathroom when it does not have a bath in it, does not make sense. If there is a bath and a toilet in the room, then it is called a bathroom. Even then, someone might say they are going to the toilet, when their intention is to relieve themselves.
John from the Pigman? He was a badboy bathroom bomber.
A call of nature is a euphemism for the urge to visit the bathroom.