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because they like another boy

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Q: Why do people call other people gay?
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Why do you call gay people gay?

You call people gay if they are attracted to members of the same gender. But it's really better to call people by their names.

Is there a name that people call other people that are part gay and part not gay?

I have heard the term, "Bisexual" used, but it may not be precisely the term you want.

What is a group of gay men called?

You can call it anything you would call any other group of people. Gay men aren't like animals, they don't travel in herds or flocks, it's just a group of people.

What do people call gay women?

Gay women can also be called lesbians, but the best thing to call them is "women".

How can you get gay people to stop following you?

Gay people only follow other gay people.

Why did my crush call me gay?

It really depends on how he/she said it...If she/he was being serious then that's not good but If he/she had a smile on his/her face then don't worry about it allot of people call each other gay its a way of saying your a retard or your funny.

Are gay people happy or just gay?

Gay people experience the same range of emotions as any other people.

What you call a girl who is gay?

The best thing to do would be to call her by her name. But you may call people like her "lesbians."

Are there gay people in India?

Yes, there are gay people in India as well as all other countries on Earth.

Is it offensive to call bad things gay or lesbian?

It is always offensive, not to mention bad manners to call things you do not approve of gay or lesbian. The word gay still does mean happy or carefree is you look it up in a dictionary, however these days it has become colloquial for homosexual. If you want to call something bad by a name, use a correct term. If you want to impress your friends use a "fifty dollar word in a five dollar zone" ie. "That is so reprehensible." People who delete other people's answers (multiple times) is gay.

How do you tell when other gay men are attracted to you?

They will call you honey alot honey.

Are gay people horrible people?
