they usually call them by their names, but I think the term you're looking for is "gay".
Absolutely NOT. The term is offensive and has always been used as a degrading phrase.
No, it's not "ok" to call people gay.
You call people gay if they are attracted to members of the same gender. But it's really better to call people by their names.
They call the gay person by his or her name. If they don't know the name, they'll say sir or madam.
Generally, they would be called a homophobe/homophobic.
Unless you are specifically being attacked by a group of gay people, there is no reason to fight off "gays".
because much gay
Yes, of course. Gay people are regular people and have all the same hopes and fears as everyone else. They don't fear another gay person because that person is gay, they would fear the person because that person is a scary person. Mean, evil, and scary people aren't all straight; every demographic of humans has some scary people in their number.
they are gay people who are not afraid to be themselves.
Gay women can also be called lesbians, but the best thing to call them is "women".
No. The Government cannot make laws that ban words. Also, the word "gay" is the proper term for a gay person.