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There are many factors to this a few can be poor sexual education, lack of available Birth Control measures ,and poor self esteem.

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Q: Why do more poor woman get pregnant?
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What does a pregnant woman need more than a woman who's not pregnant?

Love and support from husband and family.

Why does a pregnant woman need more energy?

A pregnant woman needs more energy because she needs to provide food for her baby as well as herself.

Why pregnant woman need more energy then a unpregnant woman?

Pregnant women need more energy then an unpregnant women because the baby needs food to develop into a human being thus the Pregnant woman needs more energy PREGNANT WOMEN OFTEN HAVE TO SLEEP ALOT MORE ALSO. Hope this helps

Why does a pregnant woman need more energy then a woman that any pregnant?

The main reason is she will now have to eat for two people, and needs more energy as well.

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cox she will get more strength

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The woman who is pregnant has mood swings as part of pregnancy. She also demands more, which irritates the abuser.

Can you get a woman pregnant if she pregnant?

No. Once pregnant, a woman can't get pregnant-er.

Is it more likely for a teen to get pregnant?

No a teen has just as much of a chance of becoming pregnant as an older woman.

Can a woman ovulate if she is pregnant?

No; a woman will not ovulate if she is pregnant.

What does multigravidae mean?

a woman who has been pregnant two or more times

Can a 100 year old get pregnant?

No, a woman is born with a certain number of eggs and when she reaches menopause she is all out and can not get pregnant any more. That usually happens when a woman is in her 50's.