Men who dress like women are either crossdressers or transgender. Crossdressers can be straight but just like wearing women's clothing. Some prefer and are married to women and others prefer men. Transgenders feels they are in the wrong body and wants to live like women. Some are gay and others not.
men dress like us
People in the apstolic (Pentacostal) church use the bibles holyness standerds. where it said "Men Dress like men and women Dress Like women" this means that men ware long pants and a modist shirt. while women ware skirts and dresses. men are to have short hair and women have long un-cut hir and it serves as a covering and a protection for them. and of women cut there hir there covering or there protection is gone.
Perhaps some men might. These are usually guys who wish to be female. There are some men who do dress like the women they see.
They dress like any other person in the world.
women wear Dirndl and men wear Lederhosen
Most gay men do not do this. Only some do this, and it's for a variety of reasons.
With clothes.
Dress for the women! Blue jeans and nice dress shirts for men. there really isnt a dress code but some people like to dress nice! (:
The national dress for both men and women is holi.
Dress very conservative in business-like attire. Long sleeves for men and long pants for men and women. Conservative dresses or skirts may be acceptable for women. Cover all tattoos and only wear jewelry such as a wedding band or class ring and a watch. No ear rings for men, no gauges, no studs or piercings for men or women in any location. Dress like the CEO of a bank. Dress like your grandfather would to a funeral, in a dark suit.
men who like to dress in women's clothes are called " crossdressers" as the name implies, they wear dresses, blouses, pantyhose and lingerie, also they like to wear women's jewelry, like earrings and bracelets.