Most gay men do not do this. Only some do this, and it's for a variety of reasons.
if straight people look gay, its because some women like men that act like that, if they are gay and look gay, then they are gay...
They don't. This is stereotype. Unless you are talking about the 50% of gay people who are women.
Men who dress like women are either crossdressers or transgender. Crossdressers can be straight but just like wearing women's clothing. Some prefer and are married to women and others prefer men. Transgenders feels they are in the wrong body and wants to live like women. Some are gay and others not.
Gay women like women.
I wouldn't think so. Like you said "transgender women". They look like women, act like women, sometimes even more feminine than women. If you like them, that means you're attracted to women. If you were gay and you liked men, I wouldn't think you'd go for a women or someone that looks, acts, and is a woman.
No. You can dress however you like and only you can decide on the inside if you're gay or not
Yes. So is angel. Have you seen how they dress?! So gay like
You can tell by their atittude, the way they dress, the way they act with another person.. I'm the only girl in my class and all they say is "You're gay" & they sexually touch each other & make orgasms.. And like act like they're having sex.. Maybe that'll help?
If you are a young man or boy, it is not likely that you are gay if you still find girls attractive. I am assuming you like to dress like a girl. You are a transvestite. I think you know this word. So in short, no. Transvestites are not gay because they like to dress up. Only having and liking sex with a man is a gay indicator.
Most of the time it is because they are GAY .
No He say he like women. He is just cool with gay men and women.
For me no. Some girls do the ones that do just love your clothing and no girl likes a boy if they act or dress or are gay I know this cause I am a girl peace