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If this is different from your normal period you should seek a doctor. I don't think you manage to get pregnant every month and have a miscarriage.

If this is how it usually is I feel for you because I have the same. Birth Control pills can make it less painful and you bleed less though. Or use painkillers that are muscle relaxers. if you have really bad cramp those are the only once that work.

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Q: Why do i have really bad cramps and heavy bleeding every month?
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Yes this does sometimes happen and is nothing to worry about unless you are bleeding excessively heavy to the point that you need to change your pad or tampon every 1 hour.

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Usually I get pretty heavy cramps and chocolate cravings

Is cramping and bleeding during the sixth week normal?

It depends on how heavy the bleeding is. Its normal to sometimes spot during pregnancey. Cramps, all the time. If bleeding is heavy its a possible miscarraige you should see docter immediately.

When you first start your period and are a vigin is it normal to skip a period and then have really heavy cramps and bleeding?

When your period first starts it is really irratic so it coming really close together or far apart is normal. It will even out eventually.

Are there multiple blood clots in a miscarriage?

Yes. Accomponied by heavy bleeding and menstrual like cramps. Go to an emergency room

At eight weeks I experienced mild cramps but heavy bleeding with clots.Did I have a miscarriage?

Only your doctor after doing an ultrasound can tell for sure.

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this is relevent to the question: how old are you?

What type of bleeding injury is it when you cut your self and have heavy bleeding?

It depends where exactly you cut yourself. I'm not a doctor, but if it's really heavy bleeding it could be a severed artery.

Could vaginal bleeding during pregnancy be mildly painful?

Mildly painful, yes. No worse than period cramps is healthy. Could be your expandung uterus. How heavy is your bleedin? Heavy bleeding accompanied by lots of pain may be a sign of a miscarriage.