To some guys thin girls just seem a lot more attractive than thicker girls. This is not the case with all men though. There are plenty, if not more, men who are attracted to women aren't as thin. Whatever the case is, one man's preferences shouldn't be lumped together as a whole with all other men, as they are human beings with their own personal likes and dislikes.
Every Woman is different. But alot of them do. But bigger girls generally tend to like the bigger guys. I really don't know. The female brain is so complicated that even they can't figure each other out.
It doesn't really matter for most girls. Girls like boys with personality . If you be yourself girls will like you , not because of your looks. But you cant expect all girls to like you , everyone is different
def thin sz people who have big ighs like me but if you have in thighs an big but DOUBLE YR
It is entirely a matter of preference. Many men prefer thinner women; many men prefer curvy women.
Some girls are awesome, and like guys for who they are, some girls like guys cause they're hot, and some jerky girls like guys for their money and their cars.
Girls like all kinds of guys, but don't let yourself go.
Yes some guys do like modest girls.
There are many guys in the world that are attracted to and like transgender girls.
No that's not bad. They call'em love handles for a reason, you know? Guys don't like annerexic girls and girls like well nourished guys. Be comfortable with who you are, and if you aren't then hit up the gym and get the way you want to be.
Yes, Black guys like girls feet.
well, its not about how big your boobs or hips are and the media has guys convinced that all girls should be all skinny and thin.
Most girls do because they are open and honest with the female. But some girls do like the guys that are prideful or mistreat others. Girls have different assets that they are attract to but most girls like guys they can talk to.