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From personal experience, my BestFriend loves looking at my toes. I often get shy & start to blush, but usually they find it facisinating cause most likely you'll have "little feet" i actually love it when they stare at my toes. I am now nicknamed "little feet" haha.

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Q: Why do guys like looking at Girls toes?
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Why do guys look at girls from toes to there eyes?

look guys get nervous and trust me I've been there

Can you tellaboy from a girl by their feet?

Guys have wider feet and toes and girls have narrow heals

Do guys care what girls feet look like?

Yes because if they are gross they don't want to touch them ...and when u r having sex he won't want to suck and lick your toes

Why do teen girls like their toes licked and sucked on?

..............THEY DONT......................

What does it mean is a guys says to woman i like you from head to toe?

It means they like every part of you, from your head to your toes.

Does any women want to have there feet licked and toes sucked?

Most of the girls I have met love to have their toes sucked. I think out of more than 10 girls, only 1 did not like it, and most girls really got turned-on by it.

What do guys like about a girls body?

most straight guys, like me, would obviously point out the: AssBreastsFaceEyesSmilemaybe evenHipsWaistHairLegsand I like nice FEET and TOES too (its the most common fetish, more feet lovers than one may think because its generally a deep secret)you cant go wrong with having a nice face and a nice ass and breasts, guys like us will adore your body if you have at least some nice qualities.

Who has more balance on their toes boys or girls?

It depends upon individual's health and body ability. People may consider girls to be more delegate, but that's not the truth. Girls can also balance on their toes well just like the boys.

What do guys find sexy about girls?

Pretty much everything. From her head to her toes. Though the most sexually arousing parts are her butt and her breasts. Though most guys will agree a pretty face is the most important part.

Een girls! Do you have long toes?

my toes are 12.5 inches long... each

Do girls like there toes sucked?

some do but most would think it a strange request.

How many toes have 6 girl?

Assuming each girl has the normal number of toes for a human which is 10 toes, then 6 girls would have a total of 60 toes in total.