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Guys tend to go for looks in a woman because guys tend to be more visual thinkers. The preoptic area of the brain may be larger in males. Also, good looks plays into the sense of status that feeds the egos of guys. Deep down, having a pretty girl confirms they have power and masculinity before their peers.

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Q: Why do guys go for looks?
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Why do guys always go for the pretty girls?

Not all guys do. Many guys who go for pretty girls will only date them for their looks and not see their personality, that's why many pretty girls have problems finding someone who really loves them. Most guys however don't care much about looks when it comes to a serious relationship.

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Well I find the "comedy dude" attractive the most. Some like "bad boys", "shy guys", "sporty guys", "romantic guys", "talented guys", "lazy guys", "smart guys", "sensitive guys", there is just a lot that girls like. So they like their personality. They like looks, style, and lots of things.

Why do guys always go for looks?

Why do guys always go for looks? Are you serious? At my college girls are interested solely in a guys body. Are you including guys who are not "ken dolls"? Try talking to a guy who is a little different. I think you will be floored. I think it's because they think you'r good looking and they want just one thing on their mind.

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Because Black guys are attractive.

What if guys won't date because you think you're not pretty?

Than make yourself pretty, girls have a far advantage of making themselves better looking that guys do. And also, looks aren't everything. Having a great personality is the most important key to have, because guys will overlook your physical qualities regardless. Love's weird, isn't it?? ;) And remember, some guys go for looks only and not for personality. Go for someone that likes you for the way who you are, not what you are.

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What do guys look for girls?

Most guys go for looks and personality. It usually depends on the guy.Kind, sweetenergetic OR calmunderstandingnot too bossydon't be annoyingnot too clingycaring(feel free to add more)

Why is go skateboarding day in June 21?

because turn it sideways and it looks like a guys legs pushing off on a skateboard

If the boy how he will select lifemate?

In case, it s a guy,first looks..Looks matter a lot for most of the the character of the girl and how often she meets up other guys..guys go to the extent of even finding out relationship history of the girl..guys expect the girl to be similar in certain aspects only:)..have a nice search..well Tamil guys prefer Tamil girls,i can easily guess you are not a Tamil girl..are you?.:P..

What is a girl supposed do to get a guy?

Most guys go after someones looks. If you already have a guy in mind, get close to him. Become his friend and hang out with him. Get to know him.

Do looks really matter for guys?

Yes because good looking guys are just sweet and sensitive

Why Girls care how the guys look?

unfortunately, some girls judge guys on their looks. But the good thing is that most girls can see past looks +, everyone likes different looks, like I like guys with brown hair and my friend likes red hair, my friend only likes guys with six packs whereas I dont really care. The thing is that if girls cant see past looks, they dont deserve you :)