Not all guys do. Many guys who go for pretty girls will only date them for their looks and not see their personality, that's why many pretty girls have problems finding someone who really loves them.
Most guys however don't care much about looks when it comes to a serious relationship.
As always, it depends on the guys taste and/or style. Stereotypically, scene guys will go for scene girls. So on and so forth.
They Are afraid that the pretty girl they go out with might cheat on them. They also get nervous because the either don't have experience talking to girls or they are talking to a girl they really like just get nervous like modest guys do.
Most girls are to shy they don't want to talk to a guy and him be dating and make a fool of themselves.
Ian has always had a string of girls and guys on the go for years
Hoes are quickies, the pretty ones maybe the long run plan but for now they want to live the life.
Boys and Girls don't go for the blond guys or the blond girls. I don't think blond guys are cuter then brown haired boys. Maybe at your school all of the brown haired guys are cuter or something I don't know. I think that's kind of weird. ahh at my school it's kinda opposite. All the guys like blond girls, and girls don't like blond guys. It's weird...
Now, when the girls go for the mean or "not nice guys", they are not for you. What I mean is, you want to find a girl that fits you and doesn't just go for the mean and tough guys. Sometimes those relationships do last but then again, those are the kinds of girls that just are not for you. I hope I answered your question. -Dutch Flavor
Girls go out with bad guys because there dad is mean or bad to them (that represent there dad) some girls go out with nice guy cuz there dad is nice to them. That's what usally they look for someone that acts like there dad because they want to remember him.
Some do because they think that if one likes you and wants to go. Out with you then you must be a cool or pretty girl that they want to go out with too.
be a hooker, guys like that
Nowadays girls will go after guys, but a lot of girls like confidence in a guy. So when a guy asks a girl out the girl thinks hes confident in himself. Knowing this the guys go for the girls :)
Why do guys always go for looks? Are you serious? At my college girls are interested solely in a guys body. Are you including guys who are not "ken dolls"? Try talking to a guy who is a little different. I think you will be floored. I think it's because they think you'r good looking and they want just one thing on their mind.