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they wanna make out

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Q: Why do guys go alone with girls?
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Why do guys go for the goth girls they can't leave us alone?

Be flattered. They like a girl that they can't have. Just keep on teasing them.

Why do boys go after girls?

Nowadays girls will go after guys, but a lot of girls like confidence in a guy. So when a guy asks a girl out the girl thinks hes confident in himself. Knowing this the guys go for the girls :)

What if you are attracted to girls more than guys?

if you are a girl and you like girls more than guys. go ahead and date girls. sometimes guys even think it is hot

Why do white girls go with black guys?

Because Black guys are attractive.

What kind of girls do guys go after in a bar?

Hot girls (very hot)

Would guys you prefer scene girls or non-scene girls?

As always, it depends on the guys taste and/or style. Stereotypically, scene guys will go for scene girls. So on and so forth.

Do guys act better around girls they like when there alone?

Actually, yes. With guys, if they are around their friends, they try to act all cool and end up acting really trashy with you. But if you are alone with him, he can be sweet.

Are there more girls than guys in Iceland?

yes there are more girls then guys in Iceland because they usually get baby girls and sometimes the girls do not go out they help there parents do work

Why do guys rush to date other girls after a breakup?

guys rush to date other girls, i think because they can't stand being alone, and some of the guys just want a girl to have sex with. or to show off that they have a girl to kiss.

Why do guys let girls go first?


Why do girls go to the toilet together?

to talk about the guys they are with?

What does girls consider when choosing a boyfriend?

well for me its all about personallity ..but i know girls who will say a smile there teeth even there clothing chocies ..... some girls go for funny guys some go for sensitive guys .....