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In my own opinion, the reason why men cheat more than women is insecurity complex. Most men want to feel that they can do everything their mind is set into. It doesn't matter if they are single or married, still want to be on top of everything especially when it comes to sex. They want to prove to themselves that even they are married, they can still attract the opposite sex and with this they do not care if they hurt the people they love.

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Q: Why do guys cheat more than women?
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Throughout all the age groups I have gone through, it seems that early on, men do a lot more cheating than women. As we grow older, it starts leveling out a little, but men still do it more.

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there are guys out there who manipulate women into having sex with them just to get laid. very rarely does a wife go out and purposly cheat for sex, thats like maybe 1% of women, and thats probably because you treated her like crap. but most guys dont care to much, a hole is a hole. so i would say more guys cheat then girls.

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