a guy breathes heavaly because the blood needs oxigene to go into thepenis to harrden the sponge in his penis
Think... First you have to see it before you grab it, so if its out just grab it.
Bouncing their leg can be a way for guys (or anyone) to release excess energy or to help with concentration. It can also be a sign of nervousness or restlessness.
No, queefing specifically refers to the release of air from the vagina. It is not possible for men to queef through their penis because they do not have the same anatomy as females do.
Most men can feel when they are about to ejaculate, but the sensation varies from person to person. Some may feel a tingling or pressure, while others may not notice anything before ejaculation occurs.
yess ;) theyy actually do it better thenn guys !
Ejaculating is the orgasm.
Black guys use that and they mean "ejaculating". It means their jubilant juice of life flows from their nuts. Yummy!
If the 'other guy' pulled out before ejaculating, AND you took the morning after pill, I seriously doubt it is his kid.
If it's just a little bit, I doubt they feel it at all but if they are actually ejaculating then yes, they do feel it. They will also feel when it's about it happen.
Some Guys and Girls Who Breathe imaginary Air...
they're not married but david has a girlfriend.
a girls boot has less solebecause its more comfortable to us than u guys . girls dont like to were heavily padded shoes like guys its not comfortable.
SWAT is a team of people that is sent out by police officers either because the bad guys were heavily armed or in a hostage situations.
Guys stop crushing for about a day before they like another girl!
Your probably being too clingy. IF your a teen, guys need there space to breathe. You should not text him for a whole day unless he texts you first. He needs to atempt to contact to you...
you are rushing your realtionship slow down, take a breathe. Guys do this alot, they just dont like to be rushed.
sometimes guys have trouble completely devoting themselves to their happy relationship. they need to take breaks, relax breathe & have time to themselves in order to keep the relationship to its best.