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I would like to add he does feel it before it comes out but like the statement below is also correct. Read the Bottom Statement!

No. Keep in mind that all male sex fluid (pre-ejaculate) may and does contain sperm cells that can fertilize the female egg.

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8mo ago

Most men can feel when they are about to ejaculate, but the sensation varies from person to person. Some may feel a tingling or pressure, while others may not notice anything before ejaculation occurs.

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Q: Do guys always feel the sperm before it comes out?
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Why can you feel the blast under your feet before you hear it?

The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound, so light from the blast reaches you before the sound waves. This causes you to feel the blast under your feet before you hear it.

What temp and weather comes before a tornado?

Before a tornado, you may experience a drop in temperature, which can make the air feel cool and damp. The weather may also become increasingly humid and still, with a change in wind direction. It is important to be aware of these signs as they can indicate the potential development of a tornado.

Can you get pregnant from a man putting his penis in you and not doing anything but moving around and not sperming?

While the chances are low, it is still possible to get pregnant from pre-ejaculate fluid (pre-cum) even if the man does not ejaculate (release sperm) during intercourse. Pre-ejaculate can contain sperm from a previous ejaculation and the movement during intercourse can facilitate sperm entry into the vagina. It's important to use contraception to reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy.

Why do you feel vibrations before you hear it?

Vibrations travel faster through a denser medium like a solid than sound waves do in air. This means that you may feel the vibrations before the sound actually reaches your ears.

Why would a metal shovel feel cold?

A metal shovel would feel cold to the touch because metal is a good conductor of heat. When the metal comes into contact with your skin, it quickly transfers heat away from your body, making it feel cold.

Related questions

How many minutes do you have to wait to sperm comes out?

U will feel it when it comes out

How do you know when your about to sperm?

If you are a women and you want to know when the sperm comes out look for gestures and movement of your male partner if you are a male you will know when the sperm comes out because you can fell it

What is pre ejaculant?

This is the clear liquid that comes out before ejaculation. It's also called Cowper's fluid, and its purpose is to flush the urethra so left-over urine won't kill the sperm. Note that Cowper's fluid may contain some live sperm, and that most guys don't feel it flowing.

How do you know if there is sperm in your vagina any symptoms of your body?

Well, the only way that i know of is to feel for it or wipe our self and see if anything comes out/ off.

Why is using the rhythm method alone not a reliable method of birth control?

Because before a man ejaculates, he secretes pre-ejaculation fluid which he cannot feel. That fluid contains sperm. Also because not every womens cycle is always regular.

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Why you feel very weak after sperm comes out?

Its not weak, actually its relax. Ex: When we came from work and lay on sofa for relax, after couple of minutes when we try to stand up we feel very lazy, its not weak but it is because of body relaxation.

How can you feel the sperm was ejaculated?

it feels awesome

What color is sperm if you have a low sperm count?

It doesn't show in color and you can't feel it either.

Can you feel the uric acid build up before you get gout?

No Gout comes on sudenly and without warning.

Should I always talk to him first?

It is always best to talk to someone before anything as to get to know them, get feel for them and/or at least introduce one another.

Does thicker sperm feel better?

Feel better than thin? Not that I ever noticed.