they look at ur legs cause they wanna see if they r good looking not fat and not skinny
Guys may look at your legs for a variety of reasons, including simply finding them visually appealing, admiring your style or fashion choices, or checking you out in a physical sense. If their gaze makes you uncomfortable, you have the right to establish boundaries or communicate your feelings.
because they get nevous
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
not always but sumtimes
Guys may make fun of another guys legs because they are jealous.
Guys make fun of other guys' legs for many reasons. They may find the legs ugly, too small, too large or are feeling insecure about themselves.
He will always look or smile at you
Guys may make fun of your legs, but not your arms because they are jealous of your legs.
If girls tell you that your legs are cute and guys make fun of them, the guys may be jealous of your cute legs.
They just like to check it out that's how we are.
Guys may make fun of other guy's legs because they are jealous.
Because guys have things between their legs that they have to give room to!
Yeaah, guys can wear whatever they want. They just dont always look good.