Because guys have things between their legs that they have to give room to!
pull your legs apart and sit down
It means to sit across his waist with your legs apart.
The idea that guys need to sit with their legs apart for comfort is simply a stereotype. Gay men, like all individuals, can sit in any way that feels comfortable to them. There is no specific correlation between sexual orientation and sitting posture.
In the sit and reach, you sit with your legs straight out in front of you and reach as far as you can. your personal trainer or gym teacher or whoever will measure how far you can reach. It measures your flexibility.
Some girls may choose to sit on the toilet with their legs held close together, while others may sit with their legs spread apart. Each person's preference may vary based on comfort, habit, or personal choice.
The prevalent characteristic of the manner in which a guy sits is open legs. Guys find it a challenge to sit with their legs closed. Also, guys are most likely to sit on their back, not buttocks. They tend to recline a great deal, no matter how straight the back of their chair is. To seal the deal, place hands on your crotch. This only be done if pants are loose and it shouldn't look like you're pleasuring yourself but holding the sagging pants.
It is when you sit with your legs apart in a v-motion. For a proper straddle it needs to be at least 90 degrees.
Bestride means to sit or stand on with the legs apart - (straddle) or to dominate by position - (tower over) - e.g Bill Gates bestrides the development of personal computing.
To measure sit and reach effectively, sit on the floor with legs extended and feet against a box or ruler. Reach forward as far as possible, keeping knees straight. Measure the distance reached and repeat for accuracy.
Only attractive guys.
Your legs disappear from view when you sit down.
3 times 2 = 6To measure your lower-back flexibility, sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you and slightly spread apart.