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Models are pretty, skinny, and get the guys.

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Q: Why do girls want to be like models?
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Because for little girls they look like very pretty models that they want to be just like when they are older. Can you see the appeal?

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What the heck is up with girls and this being fat thing?

becusae us girls are insecure, and the we always worry about our weight for reasons like, we want someone to like us, or we wanna look like the super models and stuff like that... its just something we worry about, like boys are sometimes obessed with sports..

Boys like it girls misuse it models sell it doctors advise it?

* A smile * Sex

Does Justin Bieber likes girls that are models?

You don't have to dress up to date him, come to a concert of his, or impress him, you don't even have to wear makeup! He doesn't just like girls who are down to earth, but he also likes girls who are sweet, weird, unique, humorous, funny, gentle, kind, and other adjectives. He does not like just models, or pretty girls, or lazy girls, or smart girls, he likes all of them.

Why do boys like tickle girls?

cause they want to touch the girls

Who are the justice the store for girls models?

They currently don't have any "justice models" they are just girls from modeling places!

What do girls really want to do?

SHOPPING ! ! ! all girls like goin shopping

What are likes of girls?

Girls like their own way. They want affection and to be loved.

What if two girls like you and you like both girls they both want to kiss you and you want to date them both at the same time what do you do?

You choose the one that you like better and know better.

What are the Circuit Girls best known for?

The Circuit Girls allows people to have beautiful girls or models attend their birthday parties, holiday parties or corporate parties. You can view their website and search for girls that you may want to have at your event and book a reservation.

Why can you talk to other girls except the one you really like?

cus she is the one you like wich makes you feel like you dont want to mess up and you want her to like you to but other girls are just that other girls nothing moure lol