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Because they stick perishible items in it and it goes too far in to pull out.

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Q: Why do girls pussey's smell?
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What does it mean if a girls ejectulation has smell?

Girls and boys ejaculation both smell, it is normal.

What smell do girls like?

Smell like eggs

Do girls armpits smell bad?

No, girls armpits do not smell bad, usually. The only way that they do is if they do not wash them.

Can girls smell an adolescent boy?

is this a serious question? yeah us girls can smell boys from 2 miles away, we have great sense of smell.

Why do boys like to smell girls feet sweat?

I don't know, but I like do smell another place of the girls.

Do boys or girls have a better sense of smell?

I say girls.

Is rat smell bad for girls?


Do girls smell bad?

NO! I am a girl!

Who is farts smell better boys or girls?

girls. ALL THE WAY

Can you smell a girls bra?

the smell is more like milky which can arouse cocks.

Do girls have a better sense of smell than boys?

No. Girls are more observent.