No, girls armpits do not smell bad, usually. The only way that they do is if they do not wash them.
NO! I am a girl!
If u like girls also no,but if u like boys and their feet yes..
MAybe because you were stealing hamburgers and stuffed them in you armpits
Why does your armpits smell bad. It is because you do not have seed hair like fruit. Get Lubriderm and help your community.
Everyone's sweat glands are different. Some people may not cause an odor, while others will make people pass out. I don't stink much when I sweat. Lets be happy for that!
ANSWER:Armpits sweat can smell like onions when a person have a hyyperhidrosis.It is an unormal condition that the armpits smell to much because of a sweating problem.Armpits can smell like onions also because of a bad hygiene...
As soon as you smell her armpits.
near her armpits
Use a deodorant/antipersperiant. It can reduce underarm wetness and/or mask the smell of stinky armpits with a scent of your choice.
Yes, many girls use deodorant on their armpits to help control body odor and perspiration. It is a common personal hygiene practice for both girls and boys.