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Because they're a lot nicer to look at than a guy who's fat or just plain skinny..girls like guys who are strong (it's the whole, "carry me" thing).

ANSWER The same reason some like them skinny, fat, bald or hairy. It all comes down to taste and likes. Not all girls like muscular because for example, out of 10 of my friends that are girls, I'd say 8 like them look for model type guys which the majority are not muscular at all. You shouldn't generalize just because you've come across some girls that have that preference. On the contrary ask yourself why you keep on attracting or looking for girls like that. Keep on search and seeing not all are the same, I'd dare say not even the majority. Good luck.

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14y ago
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13y ago

YES and No. Depends on how big the bodybuilder is. Bodybuilders are like huge men, except with all that muscle, it makes them look really attracted and sexy, but not EVERYBODY like a man with huge muslces. Their good for yard work, or car wash, or anything that involves them using their big "gunz" but they get to cocky and get bigger, and to much muscle it just disgusting.

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15y ago

yes!!! omg muscles shape the body of a guy!!! it feels good especially when you have seeeex!! :] ;)

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15y ago

some girls are attracted to muscular men...BUT some girls don't care if they are muscular..hope that answers your question

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14y ago

I'm attracted to muscular men. But it just depends what king of girl/women, and what they are interested in. Hope this helps!

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13y ago

It depends, some girls are different. But yes, most girls do. It depends on what you like .

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15y ago

It usually depends on the kind of girl.

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14y ago

Each girl is differnt. But most girls do

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Q: Why do girls like muscular guys?
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