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the young boys are immature and dont fully mature until their early 20s. usually around 22. girls mature way faster, so we look for someone who matches our maturatly level.

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10mo ago

Girls may be attracted to older guys because they may offer a sense of security, stability, and maturity that they perceive as lacking in younger men. Additionally, older men may also have more life experience, confidence, and financial stability, which can be appealing qualities. Ultimately, individual preferences and dynamics in relationships vary, so there is no one definitive answer.

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Q: Why do girls fall for the much older guys?
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Continue Learning about Gerontology

Why are people attracted to older people?

People may be attracted to older individuals because they are seen as more experienced, mature, stable, and confident. Additionally, they may have established careers, financial stability, and emotional intelligence that can be appealing to others. Personal preferences and societal perceptions may also play a role in this attraction.

What does grannybopper mean?

Grannybopper is a colloquial term used to describe someone who is attracted to or pursues relationships with much older individuals, typically older women. It is usually used in a light-hearted or teasing manner.

Is it only older people who are opposed to Community cohesion?

No, opposition to community cohesion can come from people of all ages. It is important to understand that individuals' views on this issue can vary based on their personal experiences, beliefs, and values, regardless of their age.

At what age are you an older adult age at?

Older adults are typically considered to be individuals aged 65 and older. This age range is often used to define the transition into later life stages, including retirement and potential age-related health concerns.

Do men sweat different depending on their age?

Yes, men may sweat differently depending on their age due to various factors such as metabolic rate, hormone levels, and overall health changes. Older men tend to have a slower metabolism and decreased hormone levels, which may affect their sweat production and sweating patterns. Additionally, underlying health conditions or medications taken by older men can also impact how much they sweat.

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How do you understand a 17 years old girl love any 25 years old man?

It's not uncommon for teens to fall for someone older and 25 is not much older. Girls often fall for older guys because they mature faster and feel they have more in common with older people. At 17 she is pretty much an adult and she is attracted to an adult.

What if she says she does not date younger guys?

She might say that because she wants someone that is mature. If you are mature she probably thinks you dont have as much expirience. She want a guy that is older because older guys have more expirience with girls. Show her what you got.

Why is it okay for girls to touch each other and not guys so much?

Because guys think it is seen to be un cool and that if they do evryone will say that they are gay but as they get older they might hug but that's about it!!

What do boys know about girls?

Well it's funny how the subject is hamsters, but boys don't know much. All they know is girls fall for guys if they got the looks, and the girls like the sporties and humorous guys. I took a long time thinking about this. THANKS FOR LOOKING!

Do girls really like smart guys when they're older?

Yes. Smart guys often find much better jobs and have much better lives. Appearance becomes less important as people grow up.

How do you let a guy know you love him if he's older than you?

MOST girls i think go for older guys anyways so yeah think about it just what regular people do... If your not with him thast kinda harder and it depends how much older..

Can guys play on girls high school volleyball teams?

No because guys have more strength in throwing but girls have strength but not as much as guys

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Some guys like girls you know i would have to blame it on the hormones

How do you understand a 7th grade boy?

Well... Boys are hard to understand by what I know.. I am not much older than you might be, and I dont even know much. Boys dont really understand girls and girls dont really understand guys.

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guys arent girls r more immature

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Girls like nice guys so if you are nice it doesn't make much difference on the outside.

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how much older?