Bulimic behavior exists from two distinct phases, the binge and the purge. This behavior is typical for individuals with severe self image problems and needs to treated by professionals as it is a potential life threatening psychological disorder.
Yes and No. If you do have binge eating disorder and want to lose weight, you should try to eat a stable diet without binging for a couple of weeks before exercising. If you cant do this talk to a doctor.
Ofcourse not.
NoSome anorexics do binge and purge, but only tiny amounts and more consistently than bulimics.There are two main differences between anorexics and bulimics -Anorexics lose a significant amount of weight, and usually have an extremely low and unhealthy BMI. This disorder is characterised by excessive weight loss and a fear of putting on weight and getting fat. They are proud of their diets and how controlled they are regarding food.Bulimics on the other hand are not necessarily skinny; some are quite overweight, and others are in the normal weight range. They are ashamed by their purging activities and feel like their eating is uncontrollable.Both are equally dangerous disorders causing serious medical and psychological problems, and need to be treated by a physician or psychologist or psychiatrist
It really has gotten to be more popular overall. Now, though, they have found that older women have become more prone to binge eat so they can lose weight. From what I found, most of the people binge eat to lose weight not really from being super hungry. In some cases it can be overeating but it looks as though it usually comes from our society's pressure to weigh less and look good.
It depends on how much self-discipline you have. If you exercise and don't replace the alcohol with food, you can lose as much as you want to.
It depends on how much you are eating and exercising. If you have a net caloric intake of around 800 a day, on average, you might lose around 4 lbs a week, in food weight, muscle, and fat. But after a while, your metabolism will slow down, or you will binge in hunger, or both. The weight you lose is very temporary.
he or she may have a binge -eating disorder
he or she may have a binge -eating disorder
during puberty udon'tlose weight. You gain weight, then u will lose it after 5 years like me i started having boobs at 10 got my periods at 12 and gained weight at 11 then i lost all of the weight at 16. Trust me i hated my body i wanted to like kill my body!butdon'tfreak out, your all going to lose the weight after :)
He or she may have a binge-eating disorder apex :)
Push ups, dumbells etc.
about 65% of girls think to loose weight after studying any magzine