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Because they enjoy reenacting the Star Wars Movies. Get it? Lightsabers? Boners? Lol I'm funny

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Q: Why do gay men wear glow in the dark condoms?
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What do disco girls wear?

well they sort of wear glow in the dark bracelets, um dresses with lots of different colours hair out and that's pretty much all.

Why do gay men use condoms during sex?

to prevent STDs.

Can gay males get HIV if the condoms burst?

If you have unprotected (condoms burst) sex with someone who is HIV positive there is a chance that you can contract the virus. Read the related question below.

Do gay people need to use condoms?

Yes, it is recommended for all sexually active individuals, regardless of sexual orientation, to use condoms to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. Condoms are an important tool for protecting sexual health.

Is dark link gay?

yes he is because he is the opposite of link so since link is not gay dark link is!

Do only gay guys wear yfronts?

No. In fact, there is no clothing that "only gay guys wear."

What color do gay people wear?

There isn't a certain color that all gay people wear.

If you do gay sex is it safe to do with that gay who is not suffering from HIV he is married and even you are also married you had done sex with your own wife?

yes, as long as you use condoms.

Are skinny jeans gay?

No. They are not gay girls wear them all the time (in winter) but guys can still wear them.

Which side is the gay side to wear your hair?

If you are a woman or man and wear your hair to the left you are indeed gay.

Where do gay women wear rings?

Unless they choose to wear them elsewhere they still wear then on there ring finger of the left hand.

Are you gay if u wear a bracelet on your left hand?

Wearing bracelets is not an indication of being gay, regardless of where you wear them!