Boys Hug Girls Day is on October 4th.
not long 5 sec.
Girls usually hug their boyfriends by wrapping their arms around their Neck, and boys hug their girlfriends by wrapping their arms around the lower waist or bum
Girls Love It When Boys Hug Them From Behind And When Boys Call Them Beautiful. Girls Love It When Boys Say That She Is Your Life, Girls Also Love It When Boys Talk Or Online Chat With Them For A Really Long Time (Mostly At Night It Helps Us Sleep Well Thinking Of You) I Love You
If you want to hug someone, hug them, boys/girls love that sought of softy personality. so if you love someone, go for it and live it because half the relationships in our world wouldn't be if the person in it didn't create it. Do you get what I mean?
ask them
it is so simple boys to girls . who is the people to ask out , boys ask girls . girls do not ask boys.
some boys do. But there are also boys that hug girls with small chests .. so that obviously isn't why they do it. Its different for each guy , so you wont know unless you ask the guy your hugging.
Okay well first girls usally don't want to be the first one to hug. They always want the guy to hug them first! Girls worry about what the guy will think if they hug him. The REALLY don't want to make a fool of themselves so maybe you should take charge and hug her first! It might be weird but that's what girls want!
Well you could start off with hugs! all girls love hugs! always remember when you give a hug, give a tight hug. and don't annoy the girl too much. sometimes when you back off it'll get her jealous. always look into her eyes when you talk to her, we love that. smile often when with her and girls love it when guys do the first moves.