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becuz white girls do everything better every type of guy likes us =]]

actually whites girls look for Hispanics because we work and we are better.

well i guess you could say that why is is.. white girls are better at having pancake booties, small breast, and aging horribly and because ya'll will let a man beat on ya'll and a black female will not... so yeah i guess you can say ya'll do everything better

Well, the above answers are interesting, but believe me, Mexican guys don't prefer white girls more than Mexican girls. According to census statistics and other large scale databases, Mexican background men still date and marry primarily within their own group. That has changed with a slight increase in mixed background marriages, but not by much. Remember, we all tend to marry people who remind us of our own family, and typically, that means racially.

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Q: Why do Mexican guys prefer white girls more than Mexicans girls?
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Are Mexican people attracted to Asians?

Most Mexicans (up to 80% of the total population) are Mestizo (mix of European and Amerindian people). Therefore, both girls and boys of other races are viewed as a novelty among Mexicans. Besides, embedded in the Mexican psyche is the theory that "güeritas" (white Americans), "negritas" (African-American) and "chinitas" (Asian-Americans) are a prize worth fighting for.So yes, Mexican people are attracted to Asians.