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my crush completely just bailed on me....

we were partners in science and he said go to working lunch. i did. no sign of brett dumas...he did the same yesterday but apoligized and he still did't come...he makes me feel like he loves me. but it makes no sense...

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There could be various reasons for this behavior. Your crush might be having a bad day or dealing with personal issues. Perhaps they're busy or distracted with something else. It's best to give them some space and not take it personally.

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Q: Why did your crush unusually completely ignore you today?
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Psychology Today was created in 1967.

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Slave stereotypes have contributed to the perpetuation of negative and dehumanizing depictions of African Americans in media and society. These stereotypes reinforce harmful biases and contribute to the marginalization and mistreatment of African Americans in various aspects of life. It is important to critically examine and challenge these stereotypes to promote more accurate and respectful representations of African Americans.

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IT FEEL GOOD today and i don't know what say and he was'nt here my crush he not here today