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In 1839, an anti-slavery society was formed, the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, which worked to outlaw slavery in other countries and also to pressure the government.

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Q: Why did white abolitionists used the arts as a form of protest against slavery?
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What name was given to people black and white's who boldly spoke out or wrote against slavery?


Where there any white women against slavery?

Yes. Lydia Maria Child and Harriet Beecher Stowe were abolitionists.

Why were abolitonists against slavery?

because slavery was always with africans and so the abolitionists couldn't ignore it. They payed so much attention to it, that when the compromise of 1850 was put in i increased abolitionists againest slavery. They hated slavery because usally they were africans too, or white and thought everyone should have equal rights and freedom. ;]

What is the term for persons who wanted to ban slavery in the US?

the north. most northern people were abolitionists, so that means they didnt like the idea of slavery. there were few abolitionists in the south, and they could be black or white. hope this helps you!

What were pre civil war white people called that helped the blacks escape the south?

Abolitionists were people who fought against slavery, prior to the USA Civil War.

What did david walker do as a black African American?

David Walker is a black abolitionists, he help shape Garrison's brand of abolitionism. He along with Nat Turner also advocated employing violent means against slavery and had an impact on both the South and abolitionists. In aggressive language, Walker furiously attacked slavery and white racism.

Who was the first white person against slavery?

There are no records kept of someone who was the first white to be against slavery. There is no way of knowing.

What two white abolitionists used the power of the Press to attack slavery?

Harriet Beecher Stowe and William Lloyd Garrison.

How did the northern and southern views of slavery differ?

Northern View Of Slavery- A vocal minority of northerners were abolitionists or people who wanted to end slavery. They believed that slavery was morally wrongs. Abolitionists favored a gradual end while others demanded that all slavery was outlawed at once. Not all northerners wanted to end slavery Southern Views Of Slavery Many southerns belied that god intend that black people should provide the labor for white "civilized" society

Who was the most radical white abolitionist and what the name of his newspaper?

William Lloyd Garrison was considered one of the most radical white abolitionists. He founded and edited the newspaper "The Liberator." Garrison was known for his uncompromising stance against slavery and his calls for immediate emancipation.

What is the name of the book where people protest Chinese slavery by standing on one leg?

You are probably looking for "White Lotus" by John Hersey.

What were Northerners who were violently opposed to slavery called?

Abolitionists. The Northerners who were violently opposed to slavery were called the Quakers. Quakers were a religious group who found slavery to be a "peculiar institution." The violence had to be internal as at that time most Quakers did not support armed force inside the US on social issues.